2022.02.22今天是我和TY結婚兩週年紀念日!大家有沒發現我還特意把文章發布時間設成22點22分這小巧思?這天的這個時間點沒意外的話是我們這輩子遇上最多”2″的結婚紀念日了,唯一的意外是我們一起活到200年後才能以2222.02.22 22:22超越今天。
Many of my friends often asked me, “Why did you choose to get married on February 22, 2020?” It started in the winter of 2019 in Taipei, during a period when it would rain constantly. That day after work, my boyfriend (now husband) and I went to the hot pot restaurant we would frequently go-to for a quick meal. After having a bowl of soup to warm up our stomachs, we chatted as usual. Like most couples who have been dating for years, the topics we talked about were just random things that happened at work or the trivialities of life. We scrolled through our friends’ wedding photos on Instagram and started to talk about their wedding. Inevitably, this led to us discussing the next step of our relationship. I forgot who brought up the topic, but we made a rapid decision to marry. However, we took a lot of time to decide which day we would get married.
In the beginning, he was like, “How about February 29?” 2020 was a leap year. There were 29 days in February. We all knew what he was planning to do. He wanted to spend as few wedding anniversaries as possible. That was so sneaky! Of course, I refused. Then he was like,” How about my birthday?” Almost instantly, I asked him back,” Why not my
birthday?” and he readily agreed. Suddenly, I feel like I have fallen into some trap, alarm bells ringing in my heart. While we finished our hot pot, our conversation, which was boiling like broth, finally concluded.
The wedding day was planned to take place between our birthdays, not one day more or less, precisely in the middle. Just like our relationship is balanced and fair, I think it is significant to be equal in the couple’s relationship. A basic rule to a healthy relationship is respecting each other’s feelings and needs. If you have respect, you can face any difficulties together. In addition, the number 2 represents a pair which in the traditional culture of Taiwan, is a blessing for the couple. Good things come as a pair. And we believe with many 2s on our wedding day; our married life will be very smooth. So, we got married two months after we stepped out of the hot pot restaurant.
There is no romantic reason to choose this date, but we made the day romantic. Here comes our 2nd wedding anniversary! February 22, 2022, might be the most “two” we have in future anniversaries. Does anyone have the good hot pot restaurant list in your pocket? Please let me know!
雖說想去吃火鍋店重溫當年,但老實話,目前為止美國的火鍋店還沒吃到能吃的。唉,所以也只是講講,現在吃過最好吃的火鍋就是買小肥羊乾料鍋底包自己煮,還獲得日本友人認證 真.好吃!直說我們煮的去日本可以賣50美一鍋,50美!各位觀眾!講得我都想批小肥羊鍋底去日本開火鍋店了。(要是他們吃到台灣正港火鍋店還得了,去日本賣500美一鍋了嗎)
真的扯太遠了。總之,後來我們提前在周末慶祝了,最後去韓國友人推薦的湖邊餐廳The Mill Room先給個交代。出乎意料的好吃欸,我覺原物料品質太好,即使不是很花俏的料理手法成品還是非常美味。餐廳十分貼心的準備小蛋糕給我們,整個大大給推,讚!
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Happy anniversary